Saturday, March 21, 2009

boukarou barbecue one saturday

Sam hired one of her villagers to build a boukarou (Cameroonian gazebo) in her front yard. A couple weekends ago, Sebastian and Allen were both in town, so we decided it was the best time to inaugurate the boukarou's mud-brick barbecue. Sam's village is about four kilometer's from my house, so we bought all the fixings and moto-ed out to her house.

We made cheeseburgers, with many of the same fixings as our New Year's Dinner. We made the patties small but thick, so that they wouldn't fall through the grate/grill. I think we've perfected the burger PC-style, except for one thing: slices of baguette just don't pass for buns in my book. Sam generously donated a cake mix and frosting, so we ate a delicious desert afterwords. I think I alone ate a fourth of the cake.

The villager built the boukarou all on his own, and the center pole isn't even touching the ceiling (they added it as a hammock support). I'd like to see the one-man process of assembling and lifting the roof into place sometime.

In the photos, you'll see Yousef (the sole Cameroonian present this time) and Josh, a friend of another volunteer who was traveling through, as well as Sam, Sebastian, Allen, and I. Buddy (Allen's puppy) came too, but Honey had to stay home with a hurt ankle. This was a few weeks ago, and she's better now.

It was wonderful, relaxing afternoon outside, and I look forward to more barbecues to come.

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