Tuesday, March 2, 2010

next tuesday

Here's a little blog post to catch everyone up on what's been happening in my little world, and to get us all excited for next Tuesday!

Life here is pretty much exactly the same routine as it has been for a long while. I teach a little (9 hours a week), try to get this girls' scholarship project planned well (further description and donation request to come), sew, and cook the same meals on a rotation of about four days. Throw in the occasional, dreadful market trip for vegetables, pagne, and sewing supplies, and that's my life.

So what's happening next Tuesday? My very first and last visitors arrive! Following suit with every other volunteer who has had a visitor and a blog, I hope my mom will be guest blogging here over the next couple weeks. She'll be able to give that fresh perspective and enthusiasm that I truly lack at this point in my service.

In other great news, and thanks to my dad's numerous calls to the Air Maroc New York Office, Allen and I got our tickets home (including our dogs, Buddy and Honey). It's great to finally have a definite date to countdown to. I'm ready to come home.

Stay tuned!

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